Megan is a Toys Were Us Kid

I am so upset that the only big toy store that I know is going big night nights.

But then I was very surprised to find out that my Daddy, Mémère, and other people I know used to play inside another big toy store called Child World. I even found out that Toys Were Us shows some information on Child World.

My Daddy even has a Peter Panda – Child World’s mascot.

Maybe someone will wake up Toys R Us before it takes too long of a big night night…

My Favorite Megan Picture of Megan

It has been a very long time since anything has been posted on my website.  I told my Daddy that he needs to fix that.

A lot has happened since my last post – my big number changed from 1 to 2, and then again to 3!

When I was 2 1/2, my mommy hired a professional photographer.  Some of her work can be found here

Anyways, I liked My Favorite Megan Picture of Megan so much that my Daddy had a big copy of it made into a wall canvas.

Ready to see My Favorite Picture of Megan?  Why am I asking – of course you are!

Here it is!