Can you believe that I’ve been alive for over a month? Do this 11 more times, and I’ll be around for a whole year!
I said it before, and as I’m getting older, I’m believing it more & more – the older you get, the quicker time goes by.
Here are a few pictures of me when I turned 1 month
Next month, I will have a “2 month” sticker on me, and the following month “3 month” – but that will be a long time away.
My two brothers, Michael & Matthew both have been taking very good care of me.
Here are some pictures of them them me:
It actually doesn’t surprise me that Michael is a really good big brother – look at how he held Matthew when he (Matthew) was around my age:
Here are a few pictures of Michael around his 1-month birthday:
and here are some of Matthew around the same age:
and look at how big they are now!
I think the pictures of Michael & Matthew are fake – they could never have been as small as me.
Do you agree?