One-Month Pictures & More…

Can you believe that I’ve been alive for over a month?  Do this 11 more times, and I’ll be around for a whole year!

I said it before, and as I’m getting older, I’m believing it more & more – the older you get, the quicker time goes by.

Here are a few pictures of me when I turned 1 month

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Next month, I will have a “2 month” sticker on me, and the following month “3 month” – but that will be a long time away.

My two brothers, Michael & Matthew both have been taking very good care of me.

Here are some pictures of them them me:

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It actually doesn’t surprise me that Michael is a really good big brother – look at how he held Matthew when he (Matthew) was around my age:

ourKids2007 051

Here are a few pictures of Michael around his 1-month birthday:

Michael2004 235 Michael2004 239

and here are some of Matthew around the same age:

matthew2007 180 matthew2007 182

and look at how big they are now!

I think the pictures of Michael & Matthew are fake – they could never have been as small as me.

Do you agree?

Someone left ME a message! 😃

Today when my Mommy was checking the messages on the answering machine, I was listening to them with her.

Much to my delight, there was a message on there that said this message is for MEGAN (that’s me!), reminding me that I have a doctor’s appointment coming up.

They could have left the message for my Mommy, but they left it for ME!

I must have made quite an impression on them the last time I went to the doctor – I guess they really like me there. 😃

My first cute nickname

A long time ago, before I had my name, my pediatrician made an appointment to see me.  She put down “princess” as the appointment name.

My name is Megan – and I like being called Megan.  My Mommy started calling me Meggy & Meg – to which my Daddy says it is Megan.

She called me Meg again yesterday.  My Daddy said that he is going to turn it into something cute, so he called me Nutmeg.  And then, because of what my pediatrician called me, he decided to call me Princess Nutmeg.

It is cute – but I’m not sure if I like it – but he obviously likes it because he bought – and pointed it to my site. 🙂

Did I reach my birth weight?

Yesterday, Mommy took me to the doctor.

The first thing they did was to see if my bellybutton was ok. It was.

Then I was put in a scale to see how I’m doing for weight.

When I was born, I weighed 7 lbs 4 oz.

2 days after I left the hospital, I was just shy of 7 lbs – I was 6 lbs 14 oz.

Yesterday, we found out that I was 7 lbs 12 oz!  I almost gained a full pound.

I am a very good eater! 🙂

Happy 2-week birthday!

I’ve been on this world now for two weeks.  How time really flies by!

Do this another 25 times, and I’ll be one year old!

So I was thinking – do I look more like my brother Michael or my brother Matthew?

This is me, a few minutes & a few days oldDSC02077


This is Michael – a few minutes & a few days old

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and this is Matthew, a few minutes & a few days old

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Matthew2007 073

Do I look more like Michael or Matthew?

More Little Big People – and a new Big Person

I’ve been meeting lots of new little big people – and big people – too many to keep track of.

Last week I met two Little Big People who are my cousins – Caitlyn & Lauren.  And the new big person is their mom – I was told that she is my Auntie Janelle.




And here are pictures of my brothers & those two cousins – I understand that I have a few more.



Speaking of cousins, there is another little big person who I am related to – I thought he was also my cousin, but I am told that he is my Uncle.  His name is John-Paul.  Here is a picture of him with me & my brothers.DSC02156