My New Seat & The Number 4

A few sleeps ago, I woke up to find a new seat, where the top spins & it has a few toys on it, and I can put other things on it.

My Mommy bought it, but my Daddy put it together.

I think that I really like it!

In fact, I like it so much that I had many pictures taken of me with the Number 4 while I was in it – but with the part of the tray that comes off (so I can be put in & out) taken off.

And then my brother Michael held me with the Number 4, and I had some more pictures taken while I was in my burrito.

I’ll be wearing the number 5 soon – I can count really good!

My Test Drive

I’m a baby on the move.  As such, I need my own set of wheels.

I decided to take a test drive the other day – it is a 10-year-old car, but I think that it is in pretty good shape.

Of course, I’m still a few weeks away from being able to drive it properly, because I can’t reach the floor.  My daddy put a shoebox down so I could go for my test drive.

Now I know what you’re thinking – why buy a used car when I could buy a new one?  After all, you don’t always know the history of a car when you buy it previously owned – especially one that is 10 years old.

Well, put your fears to rest – I know the original owner. 🙂

The Big Tubby


I’ve taken a few tubbies during my life.  Usually, I a the only one in the tubby, and there are big people outside of the tubby.

This time, I was in a big tubby with lots of other people.  I was also in 2 floaty things.  I really didn’t know what to think of it, but i do know that my hair & face didn’t get washed in this tubby – and I was wearing a lot of clothes.

Strange for a tubby…